ORGANISATIONS that have sent their Corporate Professionals to participate in FRANKIE’s Public Programmes 1985-1999 |
Below is a partial list of Malaysian Organisations that have sent their Corporate Professionals to participate in FRANKIE’s TRAINING MANAGEMENT and STRATEGIC PLANNING Public Programmes from 1985 to 1999
Lion Com S/B | The Bank of Tokyo Ltd | Kontrak Manufacturing Services S/B | Mara Holdings S/B | Tritech S/B | Success Motivation Centre | Amalgamated Steel Mills Berhad | The Lion Group | Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Berhad | Arab-Malaysian Finance Berhad | Asia Commercial Finance (M) Berhad | Bank Bumiputra Malaysia Berhad | BBMB Kewangan Berhad | Chung Khiaw Bank Limited | Kwong Yik Bank Berhad | Malaysian French Bank Berhad | Malaysian Industrial Development Finance Berhad | MayBan Finance Berhad | MBF FInance Berhad | The HongKong and ShangHai Banking Corporation | The Pacific Bank Berhad | Perwira Habib Bank (M) Berhad | Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia Berhad | Syarikat Telekom Malaysia Berhad | NEC Semiconductor (M) S/B | Kewangan Usaha Bersatu Berhad | Temerloh Rubber Estates Berhad | AVON Cosmetics (M) S/B | New Straits Times Press Berhad | Johore Tenggara Oil Palm S/B | PROTON | SALCRA | Fraser and Neave (M) S/B | Coopers Animal Health (M) S/B | Texas Instruments (M) S/B | Sri-Hartamas Development S/B | JKR Malaysia | Malayan Banking Berhad | Ken-AIr Services S/B | Cagamas Berhad | Innovest Hart Engineering S/B | Panzana Enterprise S/B | Malaysia Nippon Insurance Berhad | Initial Services Group of Companies | Prime Minister Department | Koperasi Institut Teknologi Mara | Medi-Aid S/B | Burson – Marsteller (M) S/B | Fung Keong Mfg (M) S/B | Employees Provident Fund Malaysia Berhad (EPF) | Yeo Hiap Seng Bhd | Bistari Distributors | Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera (LTAT) | Sarawak Electricity Supply Corporation | DSP (M) S/B | Kimia Tanah Air (M) S/B | Microbina S/B | National Library of Malaysia | TNT Skypak International (M) S/B | Clay Industries S/B | Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur | Beaubelle S/B | Lembaga Kemajuan Johor Tenggara | Leisure Holidays S/B | Sapura Holdings S/B | Upha Corporation (M) S/B | Guthrie Industries S/B | Pfizer Pte Ltd | Vitar Brothers Corporation S/B | Insulpack Industries S/B | Remco S/B
ORGANISATIONS that have sent their Corporate Professionals to participate in FRANKIE’s PUBLIC PROGRAMMES 2000-2012 |
Below is a partial list of Malaysian Organisations that have sent their Corporate Professionals to participate in FRANKIE’s PRACTICE OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT (POKM) Public Programmes from 2000 to 2012
In 1996, he PIONEERED the Practice of Knowledge Management (POKM) Model and in 2000, he introduced the POKM Public Programmes Series.
The POKM Model places key emphasis on ultimately achieving BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE by progressively applying and internalising 8 HIGHLY FOCUSED CAPABILITIES – 1| K-Identification, 2| K-Acquisition, 3| K-Application, 4| K-Sharing, 5| K-Development,6| K-Innovation, 7| K- Preservation and 8| K-Measurement.
Learning Adventure | PJ Development Holdings Berhad | MSC Technology Centre | Multimedia Development Corporation Berhad | EON Bank Berhad | Asean Bintulu Fertilizer S/B | Shell Malaysia Trading S/B | Erawibawa S/B | Bank Negara Malaysia | Forest Department Sarawak | HCM Engineering S/B | Cosmos Electronics (M) S/B | Onkyo (M) S/B | Amanah General Insurance Berhad | SP Setia Berhad| Tanco Holdings S/B | Tanco Resorts Berhad | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | PETRONAS | Inti College Malaysia | KPMG | Systematic College, Petaling Jaya | Sapura Advanced System S/B | Industrial Court of Malaysia | Monsanto (Malaysia) S/B | KTM Berhad | Kumpulan Ikram S/B | Roadcare (M) S/B | Universiti Teknologi MARA | Vacuumschmelze (Malaysia) S/B | RSTN Consulting | Overseas Assurance Corporation (M) Berhad | Southern College | SCC Corporation S/B | Tunku Abdul Rahman College | UMW Corporation S/B | Hewlett Packard Consulting | Redmond Management Consultancy S/B | Software Alliance S/B | Malaysia Airports Technologies S/B | L and G Twintech Institute of Technology | KPMG Asia Pacific Ltd | Kumpulan Guthrie Berhad | Dasein Academy of Art | Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA) | IC Equipment Pte Ltd | Kolej Latihan Telekom | Aluminium Company of Malaysia | Matsushita Electronics Components S/B | KS Lam and Co | Raza Manufacturing Berhad | Penang Port S/B | MIMOS Berhad | Plastic Centre Group of Companies | POSIM Berhad | Mega First Corporation Berhad | Golden Hope Plantations Berhad | Comsembition Jaya S/B | Unico Technology Berhad | Telekom Malaysia Berhad | Palace of the Golden Horse Hotel | The Eastern Garment Mfg. Co. S/B | Protasco Trading S/B | Petrofiber Network (M) S/B | Universiti Tenaga Nasional | Senior Police Officer College | Polis Diraja Malaysia | Maktab Cambridge S/B | Johnson and Johnson S/B | DSAV Proheacs (Malaysia) S/B | Ikram Education S/B | Malaysian Employers Federation | Eversafe Extinguisher S/B | TNB Distribution S/B | SMMC Corporation S/B | Sama Wira Mulpha Industries S/B | Amal Assurance Berhad | Edaran Digital Systems Berhad | Malayan Adhesives and Chemicals S/B | AM Finance Berhad | SLS Bearings (M) S/B | Systematic Business Training Centre | Academic Infotech MARA | Danzas AEI (Malaysia) S/B | Malayan Pharmaceutical S/B | MARA College Seremban | Export – Import Bank of Malaysia Berhad | Infineon Technologies (Malaysia) S/B | Malaysian Resources Corporation Berhad (MRCB) | Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU) – PM’s Department | Kobe Copper (M) S/B | Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri | Tako Astatic Technology S/B | Jabatan Alam Sekitar | Lam Soon Edible Oils (M) S/B | Maybank Berhad | Perbadanan Kemajuan Kraftangan Malaysia | Pacific Mas Berhad | Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) | Ayamas Food Corporation | Maruichi Malaysia Steel Tube Berhad | Felda Holdings S/B| Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia (National Library Malaysia) | Khind Industries S/B | ILSAS – Tenaga Nasional Berhad | Syarikat Makmur Enterprise Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) | Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad| Scientex Packaging Film S/B | Kolej MARA Kulim | Am Bank Group Berhad | Telekom Smart School S/B | Sunway City Berhad | Telekom Research and Development S/B | Bank Pembangunan and Infrastruktur (M) Berhad | Institut Latihan Kakitangan MARA | Petronas Carigali S/B | Institiut Latihan Keselamatan Social | Kontron Manufacturing Services (M) S/B | AMD Export S/B | Dell Asia Pacific Sdn | BenQ Technologies Advancement (INKA) – UITM | Kementerian Kerja Raya | Ministry of Internal Security | Fojohn Enterprise (Bintulu) S/B | Super Glory Industries S/B | Golden Hope Academy | Malaysia Institute for Nuclear Technology Research (MINT) | Ministry of Education | Eastern and Oriental Berhad | Panasonic HA Air-Conditioning (M) S/B | Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad | Integrated Logistics S/B | KLCC Property Holdings Berhad | KLCC Urusharta S/B | KLCC Projects Berhad | KLCC Parking Management S/B | Maktab Rendah Sains MARA | Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI)| National ICT Security and Emergency Response Centre | Nestle Berhad | NV Multi Corporation Berhad | Orisoft Technology Berhad | Petronas Holdings Berhad | Petronas Gas Berhad | Petronas Fertilizer (Kedah) S/B | Petronas Management Training S/B | Institut Teknologi Petroleum Petronas (INSTEP) | Public Service Department Malaysia | Saratim Insurance Agency Services S/B | Sunway Construction S/B | Sunway Medical Centre Berhad | Sunway Shared Services Centre S/B | Sunway Holdings Incorporated Berhad | Zul Rafique and Partners | RHB Capital Berhad | Create Opportunities S/B | UMW Toyota Motor S/B | Agilent Technologies (Malaysia) S/B | Scicom S/B | Angkatan Zaman Mansang (AZAM) Sarawak | Ladang Perbadan FIMA Berhad | Ambang Wira S/B | UCM Industrial Corporation Berhad | Bintulu Port S/B | Giatmara S/B | Department of Irrigation and Drainage | Epson Precision(M) S/B | Toprank Corporation S/B | Prudential Services Asia | Felda Prodata System S/B | Saga Parts and Service S/B | Malaysian National Reinsurance Berhad | Kobe Precision Technology S/B | Muda Holdings Berhad | Maybank Learning Centre | Kolej Bandar Utama | Kolej Antarabangsa Genting | International College of Music | Binary College | Fuji Xerox Asia Pacific Pte Ltd | FELCRA Berhad | Malaysia Airlines | PROTON Holdings Berhad | Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional S/B | Tai Kwong Yokohama Berhad | Kolej Yayasan UEM | Malaysian Tax Academy | Ministry of Information| Nilai International College | Perbadanan Perpustakaan Awam Selangor | Radicare (M) S/B | Arab-Malaysian Assurance Berhad | KDU College S/B | Mines Beach Resort S/B | NEP Holdings (M) Berhad | Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara (INTAN) | Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) | Inti Industrial Training Center | Inti International College of Penang | National Productivity Corporation (NPC) | Hotel Equatorial Penang | Pentamaster Instrumentation S/B | Laird Technologies (M) S/B | MTBE/Polypropylene Malaysia S/B | Syarikat AIr Johor Holdings S/B | Mist Cooling Systems S/B | Ikram Training and Infrastructure Development Institute | Sime Sembcorp Engineering S/B | Springfield Consultancy S/B | Brother Industries Technology (M) S/B | Overseas Courier Service (M) S/B | EPF Social Security Training Institute | OGP Technical Services S/B | Felda Transport Services S/B | Ikram Services S/B (IkramUtara)| F.I.T. Centre S/B | Rubber Industry Smaller Holder Development Authority (RISDA)
Participants that have completed
FRANKIE’s Public Programmes on
through The Practice of Knowledge Management (POKM)
Participants that have completed
FRANKIE’s Public Programmes
Participants that have completed
Public Programme – 1994
Participants that have completed
Public Programme – 1988 to 1994
Participants that have completed
Public Programme – 1988 to 1994
Participants that have completed
Public Programme – 1989
Participants that have completed
in Johore Bharu – 1989
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