Frankie Knowledge

In addition to Multi Generational Family Business Enterprise Legacy Master Planning, FrankieKnowledge also offers customized  advisory and coaching for Family Business Enterprises

Check out the brief description of FrankieKnowledge's key advisory and coaching solutions

FrankieKnowledge Star Framework on How to develop a successful Multi Generational Family Business Enterprise Legacy Master Plan

Vision and Generational Legacy

Crystalize clear vision and mission to focus family business enterprise

Prepare roadmap to translate vision and mission into reality

Develop strong positive family business enterprise culture and values

Build solid family business legacy that will last for generations

Capitalize on generational legacy to strengthen continuity of family business

Planning and Family Business Enterprise Sustainability

Formulate long term strategic enterprise direction and annual business plan

Enhance competitive advantage and strengthen distinctive competency of family business

Establish well-defined objectives, annual goals and quarterly targets

Implement key strategies and practices to drive business sustainability

Build a reputable, profitable and sustainable family business enterprise

Leadership Practices and Business Family Dynamics

Impact of family dynamics on leadership practices in family business enterprise

Strengthen positive leadership role model effectiveness of family business founder

Develop leadership abilities of key managers and key family members

Align leadership skills of key managers with family leadership expectations

Capitalize on unique family leadership culture to drive business competitiveness

People Management in Family Business Environment

Determine major challenges faced by key managers when managing people

Synchronize people management approach of key managers with family members

Enhance people management skills of management team in family business

Develop strong positive culture of open 2-way communication and feedback

Embed people management as key factor in performance management system

Improving Family Harmony through Conflict Management

Identify root causes that contribute to conflicts among family members

Effective synchronization of diversity in focus of business family members

Adopt systematic approach to balance family relationship and work relationship

Steps to reconcile difference in expectations of founders and successors

Strategies to improve sustainable family harmony in family business enterprise

Managing Business Family Resistance to Change

Determine factors that contribute to resistance to change in business family

Identify strategies to secure “buy-in” from key business family members

Develop a well-defined and structured process to introduce change progressively

Evaluate effectiveness of change process to manage business family resistance

Successful change management as the foundation of family business continuity

Family Business Structure and Performance Management

Establish effective family business enterprise structure and reporting lines

Define key result areas to organize work in family business

Implement customized key performance indicator system to deliver desired outcomes

Develop policies and standard operating procedures to drive performance consistency

Assist family business enterprise to set up integrated performance management system

Talent Nurturing in Family Business Enterprise

Recruit talents that best fit enterprise vision, mission and culture

Nurture and retain key talents to grow with family business

Establish an excellent family business enterprise talent nurturing centre

Formulate business needs-driven talent nurturing policy, plan and system

Integrate structured talent nurturing process with human capital management

Critical Family Business Knowledge Assets Management

Transform personal achievements of business founder into enterprise guiding principles

Systematically document and share valuable family business best practices

Effectively capture and convert business mistakes into key lessons learned

Strategically organize and manage critical knowledge assets of family business

Increase real value of family business through critical knowledge management

Business Family Governance and Family Council

Establish business family governance system to provide structured control mechanism

Develop a participative framework that governs effective family decision making

Leverage on good family governance to facilitate transparency and trust

Set up family council as a leadership forum to support family in business

Organize family council meetings to promote valuable open communication

Business Family Charter, Constitution and Protocol

Develop family charter to define real purpose of family in business

Evaluate effectiveness of existing official or unofficial business family constitution

Formulate rules and conflict resolution guidelines to navigate family matters

Effectively communicate formal business family constitution to all family members

Establish family protocol to regulate key practices of business family

Business Founder Exit and Retirement Planning

Formulate and implement a customized founder exit and retirement plan

Maximize real worth of family business enterprise prior to exit

Set up effective business ownership framework and professional management structure

Facilitate transfer of business ownership to key family members

Develop strategies to ensure continuity of generational legacy after exit

Family Assets Preservation and Protection

Develop the most suitable ownership structure to organize family assets

Key steps to preserve wealth and assets of business family

Facilitate transfer and distribution of assets for multi-generational prosperity

Determine the potential threats and risks that affect family assets protection

Put in place comprehensive strategies to maximize family assets protection


Formation of Business Family Trust and Will

Establish a business family trust to create a multi-generational financial legacy

Utilize family trust to strengthen estate planning and wealth distribution

Select most appropriate trust options for business family

Prepare trust agreement, facilitate funding process and related legal requirements

Leverage on a will to ensure that assets are rightfully inherited

Succession Planning and Empowering Next Generation

Implement a structured family business continuity and succession planning process

Establish critical roles of founder and successor during business transition

Systematically prepare next generation to take over family business progressively

Nurture, empower and motivate successor to lead family business enterprise

Set up system to periodically evaluate progress achievements of successor

FrankieKnowledge's advisory and coaching solutions transform your business into a REPUTABLE, PROFITABLE and SUSTAINABLE FAMILY BUSINESS E

The ultimate focus of our advisory and coaching solutions is to nurture your business SOLID and PROUD FAMILY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE that is BUILT TO LAST

Our advisory and coaching solutions represent the KEY AREAS OF NEED of a Family Business Enterprise that strives for CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENTS

FrankieKnowledge is 100% certain that you will be able to identify the solutions that BEST MEET YOUR PRESENT and FUTURE NEEDS

The FrankieKnowledge  Advisory and Coaching Solutions are created for  FAMILY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE OF ALL SIZES

The FrankieKnowledge Advisory and Coaching Solutions are researched, designed and created based on 40 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE working with Organizations from 23 COUNTRIES

FrankieKnowledge totally understands the REAL and UNIQUE NEEDS of Founders, Successors and Key Members of Family Business Enterprises

FrankieKnowledge provides you the authority to  carry out recording during all our  Advisory and Coaching Sessions  to enable you to build your own  Family Business CrITICAL Knowledge Assets  for immediate application and future reference

FrankieKnowledge Family Business Enterprise Advisory and Coaching Solutions

The FrankieKnowledge Family Business Enterprise Advisory and Coaching solutions provide a structured and modular approach to progressively transform the Business into a highly Reputable, Profitable and Sustainable Family Business Legacy that will last for many generations to come.

In addition, the solutions also prepare the Business Successor [for example, the children of the Business Founder] to step-by-step take over and operate the Family Business Enterprise effectively and efficiently. As a Family Business Enterprise Advisor, one of my key priorities is to progressively nurture the Business Successor to be a visionary and competent Business Leader with the strategic and operational capabilities to innovate and sustain the Family Business Enterprise.

To be specific, our solutions will assist the Family Business Enterprise to build a very Strong Foundation together with the required Focused Capabilities to excel.

Our solutions can be effectively customized to meet the specific needs of all Family Business Enterprises, irrespective of their size, including – 1| Micro Business, 2| Small-Medium Enterprise, 3| Mid to Large Organization, 4| A Diversified Business Group or Conglomerate and 5|Public Listed Company

FrankieKnowledge 7 KEY ADVISORY STEPS

Conduct the Family Business Enterprise Needs Analysis Exercise to identify specific areas of intended improvement or transformation and establish the advisory direction

Clearly define the Advisory Terms of Reference or Scope of Work and establish measurable outcomes

Review existing Family Business Enterprise Practices by adopting multiple advisory techniques and identify critical issues that need to be addressed

Audit existing Family Business Enterprise Structures, Policies and Systems and determine key areas of concern

Offer professional advice, customized recommendations, specific solutions and proposed actions to progressively transform the Family Business Enterprise Practices supported by a Plan of Action

Design, develop and facilitate the implementation of improved Family Business Enterprise Structures, Policies and Systems, including forms, formats, checklists, questionnaires, action plans and related initiatives to address the key areas of concern. [Customized coaching sessions are carried out to further enhance the effectiveness of step 5 and step 6 of the advisory process]

Evaluate the Impact of the Family Business Enterprise Advisory process

Establish the structured knowledge and critical skills that need to be acquired and developed by the Key Members of the Family Business Enterprise

Confirm the coaching objective and coaching duration, design the coaching agenda or outline and select the appropriate coaching techniques

Develop the required customized coaching materials, including – 1| specific guidelines or operating rules, 2| standard operating steps or procedures, 3| practical tools like forms and formats etc and 4| related implementation materials. These customized coaching materials are employed to effectively support the facilitation of the coaching sessions

Conduct the modular one-to-one or one-to-small group coaching session as planned. The key focus of the coaching session is to systematically transfer the structured knowledge and critical skills to the Key Members of the Family Business Enterprise so that they can sustain the desired “Practices and Systems” [refer to step 5 and step 6 of the Family Business Advisory Process above] for generations to come. The fundamental Coaching Philosophy of FrankieKnowledge is – to coach the individual on how to “Fish” and not to “Fish” for the individual. In other words, to coach the Business Founder and Business Successor to build a Sustainable Family Business Enterprise Legacy

To assess the Effectiveness of the Customized Family Business Enterprise coaching sessions, a highly structured Coaching Evaluation System is used

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FrankieKnowledge moves Your Family Business Enterprise To The Next Level Of Excellence

FrankieKnowledge offers Affordable Advisory and Coaching Fee for Family Business Enterprise Advisory services and solutions

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